Note: The current story-arc begins at Strip 621

Well I'm taking this whole up-coming week off. No reason, and no plans. I just want to not work for a week is all. My job is very project-oriented, and it's pretty much impossible to take vacation in the middle of a project. So when I have an opportunity to take vacation without causing something to fall behind schedule, it's best that I go for it.

I plan to generally be a bum for a week. I plan to accomplish nothing productive. I do not want to better myself in any way, and I will only leave the house for food and beer. This is my goal and, with God's help, I'll achieve that goal.


The first 6 C&A strips were drawn in a very old-skool fashion. I drew them on a drafting table, sketching them in pencil first, then inking, then erasing out the pencil lines. Then, I used adhesive pattern paper to apply dot patterns for shading. At that time C&A was intended to be a black and white comic.

I gave up on the pattern paper pretty quickly. It was an incredible pain in the ass. I simply added the patterns in photoshop after about strip 6. Strip 16 was actually the first ever color C&A, and I abandoned pattern shading at that point. I later retro-fitted Strips 1-15 to match.

Strip 136 was the first strip where I started coloring the eyes white. I was too lazy to retrofit 135 strips, so that art style change remains visible in the archives.

The next significant art sytle change was when I moved over to Illustrator to do the line-art, instead of scanning inked lines. Strip 564 was the first to use Illustrator in a normal C&A. However I had used Illustrator to make Pun Paladin cheesecake in Strip 562.


Casey and Andy and all characters therein are Copyright 2002-2005, Andy Weir. Casey and Andy
Updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.