November 12, 2003

So the winner of the "Make your own C&A" contest was Larry Colen with his submission. I modified his idea a bit because his script only had 4 panels and I prefer 6, but the basic plot is there.

Now, Mr. Colen didn't provide me with a web URL to plug, so I'll just give you the one in his signature A site that seems to be mostly a random stream of thought, but does include a picture of, I assume, Larry Colen. The picture disturbs me somehow. I can't put my finger on it. Something about the lighting on Larry vs. the lighting on the shelves behind him.

In other news, this was my 256th strip. I know this makes me a super-duper-geek, but for some reason, I feel more of an accomplishment at hitting strip 256 than I did at strip 200. You may call me a nerd, but deep down, you know it now takes nine bits to represent the number of strips I've made.



Casey and Andy and all characters therein are Copyright 2002-2005, Andy Weir. Casey and Andy
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