January 7, 2005 I built today's strip around the gag where Andy is literally "asleep at the switch". I like having the little "The Switch" label there to make it even more clear. I've found that I often put the main gag in panel 5. I call it a "Frame 5 gag" when the funny is in frame 5 instead of the usual frame 6. For starters, it catches the reader off guard, cause he expects the joke later. There are numerous C&As that work this way. In a strip with a Frame-5 gag, frame 6 is generally a continuation of the gag or the results of it. In other news, you should all read Everything You Know Is Right. It's just getting started, but has real potential for long term awesomeness and the premise sucked me in immediately. And the main character is awesome. -ATW |