May 30, 2005

Hug a soldier today. It's Memorial Day. And it's been a pretty rough couple of years for our armed forces. But, you know, make sure the soldier knows *why* you're hugging him. Or you may get your ass kicked.

In other news, my preperations for my move to Boston are continuing. I can't give exact dates yet, but the lapse in strip updates will be at least three weeks. Alert reader Steve Hastings suggested I ask for fan-strips.

So that's what I'll do. Anyone out there who wants to make C&A fan-strips, now is a good time. I'll leave them with Casey and he can update the site with them in my absence. Although I haven't discussed this with Casey yet, and the first he'll see of the idea will be when he reads this newspost. Heya Casey! Howsabout you handling the C&A site while I'm away!?


1) Use whatever art style you like. Feel free to cut and paste from C&A strips, or draw your own in your own style.

2) By all means, put a link to your site in the image.

3) Ridiculing the strip, the characters, the artist, etc. is totally acceptable.

4) Images must be gif, jpg, or png. If your image is unreasonably big, it may be scaled down.

5) No porn, no hard profanity, no racism.

6) There is no rule number 6.

7) If we get more strips than we have update days for, (which I doubt), all unused strips will go to the fan-art gallery.

To any of you who have webcomics you'd like to plug, this is a golden opportunity. The fan-strips will be a permanant part of the C&A archive.

So... uh... start sending them ASAP, so I can pick which get displayed. I acnowledge that my readers are lazy, shifltess layabouts. So I might not even get enough submissions to fill the dead time. If that's the case, well, there'll be some dead air till I get situated in Boston.


Casey and Andy and all characters therein are Copyright 2002-2005, Andy Weir. Casey and Andy
Updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.