Sign up for here for Andy Weir's Creative Writing Mailing List.
I will send out a message to this list every time I add a new chapter
or story to the main writing's page. You can expect to get an email from
this list about once per two weeks or so. Every email will include a URL
at the bottom allowing you to unsubscribe. Also you can come to this page
to unsubscribe any time.
As you can tell from my site, I'm not in this for the money and there's
no advertising. You can rest assured I will not give your email address away
to anyone for any reason.
Ths list is one-way. Only I can post to it. Other list members will never see
your email, nor will they be able to post to the list.
Final note: Some email systems misidentify these messages as spam. Most
notably, Comcast seems to have a real problem with it. If your providor has
very aggressive anti-spam policies, I would recommend using a gmail account.
No reported problems so far with gmail.