December 3, 2003

I warned you to expect more Mary. :)

I have made some minor modifications to some of the pages here. For starters, after hearing numerous reader complaints, I have created an index.html page that redirects to the main page (Which is index.htm - no"L"). This allows the apache server being run by crazed weasels at Sasquatch to correctly assume the home page. In other words, the link will now take you to C&A.

Also, for those of you who like to email comics to friends, post them on boards, etc, I've added a little feature. Now, you can refer to the front page as an archive page if you like. So, for instance, this page you're looking at is index.htm, but it's showing strip 264. If you wanted to see any other strip, you'd just look at .htm. Well, now you can look at the index page that way too. In other words, the link will go to strip 264 wether or not it is on the front page. I'll leave this news ditty up for several days, so you'll see how the (unchanged) link will eventually take you to the archive page when 264 moves to the archives.



Casey and Andy and all characters therein are Copyright 2002-2005, Andy Weir. Casey and Andy
Updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.