December 2, 2004

At long last, Casey and Andy is moving to another web hosting service. I have been very dissatisfied with Sasquatch for some time now. In the 19 months that I have been with them, I have experienced a total of 13 days of outage (Note - I count "inability to ftp to my site" as outage, because it prevents me from updating). So, at the advice of Dave Morgan-Mar of Irregular Webcomic! I have shuffled over to Dreamhost.

What does this mean to you, the loyal C&A reader? Not a thing. The URL will not change. And I'm maintaining the site on both hosts until the DNS entry makes its way around the world.

The only people affected will be forum-goers. The forum has been removed from the Sasquatch host, and is now on the Dreamhost host only. If your DNS server points you to the wrong one, you will see a message with a link to a TEMPORARY mirror to the forum site. So you can post, etc.

All forum posts, user info, post counts, etc. have been migrated over.


Casey and Andy and all characters therein are Copyright 2002-2005, Andy Weir. Casey and Andy
Updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.